Monday, March 2, 2009

Latest news about Mom!

Hi everyone... Michael here. Today was another eventful day. Martha, Mikala, and I left early this morning to go to the hospital to be with Mom and Dad. We found Mom doing well and making more positive strides as she recovers from her surgery. Praise the Lord for how well Mom is responding from the removal of the tumor. The surgeon who performed the operation visited us and confirmed that Mom is doing very well. They were able to remove 98% of the mass and from the post-op MRI there is nothing they can see as far as significant swelling or bleeding. The doctors are pretty certain though that the tumor is malignant and Mom will start cancer treatment in two weeks. We will find out the results of the tests hopefully by the end of this week. I asked the doctor today if there was a chance that the tumor might not be cancer which would then make it unnecessary for Mom to need chemo/radiation... His response was that there is always a chance. But again they are all insisting that that chance is very slim. Monty and Mary joined us later, as well as our Aunt Veda(Dad's sister) and Uncle Dick. They live in Garden Valley near Mom and Dad. We are so blessed by how available both sides of the family have been. Thanks to all of you who have been by our sides. And to those of you who can't be here physically we know you are here in spirit. The physical therapists also came and spent some time with Mom and Mary trying to walk and see how Mom could handle more movement. She did pretty well but is lacking strength and coordination on her left side. Her peripheral vision on the left side is also weak. WE BELIEVE... that as we plan for the worst potential outcome that our great God could do otherwise according to His perfect will. We know that He is able and Mom is is in His hands. We are praying and trusting that God will be glorified in the midst of all of this. We all have something to learn about our faith and daily walk with Jesus experiencing this with Mom. She is a great blessing with her attitude and her consistent desire to lift up the name of the Lord as her strength. Already we have had numerous opportunities to be an encouragement to those serving Mom at the hospital. Everyone can see that there is a peace in Mom's spirit... We are at peace as a family too. Yes we have many things that we are uncertain about, and yes we are grieving. But we serve the God of all creation. HE IS KING! We met as a family tonight to discuss the road ahead. Our time together was sweet and there was great unity. Mom should be going home either tomorrow or Wednesday... She is excited to be the one keeping you all updated with this blog so keep checking in. We love you all and appreciate the prayerful support. More News Tomorrow!


  1. Maxine and your family have been in my prayers since I first heard of her situation from RCP.
    I am on the Women's Retreat Comittee with her and the girls. I love her and count her a friend. I am thrilled to hear that she is doing so well after the surgery. I am not surprised to hear that God continues to use her during this difficult time. Through our God, creator of the universe, all things are possible, and I know she is in the hollow of His hand. She continues to be in my prayers, as do all of you.
    Pam Ventioner

  2. Dear All,
    I am so sorry that Aunt Max and all of you are having to go through this heartache. But this I know for sure!! Whatever happens will be a miracle!! We are thinking about and praying for you all. Please give her a big hug from me and Holly.
    God Bless!
    Paula Bordelon

  3. Aunt Max and family,
    You are daily in our thoughts and prayers. It is good to hear that you will be on your way home soon. What a blessing it is to have such a family supporting you always throughout every trial. We love you,
    Eli, Kelcey, Kira, Ethan, Canaan & Kaya

  4. Hello I am brand new to Grace Fellowship Church and on Sunday I heard about Maxine and what your family is going through. I just can not stop thinking about Maxine and your family. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Maxine, but I have had the pleasure of meeting Martha. I have seen and had God Supernaturally work healing in my life. This message is not about me. It is about a very special woman and her loving family. I could see this on Sunday. I have to tell you that I am pretty shy when it comes to this sort of thing, but I just can not stop thinking about Maxine and all of her family. So I am stepping out of my shell. I made some phone calls on Sunday and I am in partnership with Kenneth Copeland ministries and I want you to know that Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their whole ministry is praying For Maxine to have Supernatural healing and we are also praying for the Doctors, Nurses and staff to have Gods supernatural wisdom and direction for Maxines full recovery and healing. I would like to pray for Maxine and your Family. Father in the Name of Jesus, I confess Your Word concerning Health and Healing. As I do, I believe that Your Word will not return void, but it will accomplish what it says. In the Name of Jesus, I believe Maxine is healed according to 1 Peter 2:24. Your Word says Jesus Himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness (Matthew 8:17). Therefore with great boldness and confidence, I stand on the authority of Your Word and declare that Maxine is redeemed from the curse of sickness. We refuse to tolerate its symptoms. Satan, I speak to you in Jesus Name and I proclaim that your principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places are bound from operating against Maxine and her family in any way! They are loosed from your assignment. They are ALL the property of Almighty God and I give you no place on any one of them! They dwell in the secret place of the Most high God and they abide under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand. Now, Father, I believe Your Word that says the angel of the Lord encamps round Maxine and ALL her family memebers and delivers them all from every evil work. No evil shall befall them, no plague or calamity shall come near their dwellings. I confess that the Word abides in all of them especially Maxine and it is life and medicine to Maxines flesh. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus operates in Maxine and her whole family, making them all free from the law of sin and death. I hold fast to this confession of Your Word and I and every other person praying for Maxine stands immovable, knowing that health and healing is Maxines NOW, in JESUS NAME. I pray Matthew 18:19 that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for it will be done for you by my father in heaven and we ask and are in agreement with you that you are a SUPERNATURAL God and YOUR WORD BRINGS LIFE! Your Words are true and by the BLOOD of JESUS you are healing Maxine you are making her Whole. She is a child of the most high God. By the stripes of Jesus she is healed. Your Word brings life. Your Word is true. WE thank you God that you are in control. Hebrews 4:11-12 The word of God is ALIVE and POWERFUL, therefore we can enter into rest. Ephesians 6:13-14 When we have done all to stand. WE CONTINUE TO STAND! I believe, therefore I speak. In JESUS NAME. AMEN. My love goes out to you Maxine and your whole family.

  5. So Happy to hear that Aunt Max in improving and will be heading home soon. We will continue to pray for all of you. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon. We love you and know God has a plan and we just need to trust in his love. Be strong and know we love you all. Adam and Alanda

  6. =) excited to see you home! hope the transistion back to familiar territory is smooth. love you. XOXO - toni martin

  7. Maxine, when I see the contrast between the Lord working in your life despite adverse circumstances, and the hopelessness of the world, I am encouraged, and can see how God is GLORIFIED through even this. He is able-- to accomplish what concerns YOU, Maxine... YES-- WE STAND BELIEVING GOD IS ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH FULL HEALING IN YOU, MY DEAR FRIEND... this song has been going through my head this morning, so I'm passing it on...

    He is able, more than able
    to accomplish what concerns me today.
    He is able, more than able
    to handle anything that comes my way.
    He is able, more than able
    to do much more than I could ever dream,
    He is able, more than able,
    to make me what He wants me to be.

  8. The folks at The Gateway (Calvary Community Church) in Benicia are praying for healing!

  9. Dear Precious sister, We love you Maxine,and will continue to keep you and Marty in our prayers. we know The LORD will continue to heal and strenthen your body.We are looking forward to rejoicing with you soon. You are a cherished friend. In his Love, Bill& Regina

  10. Hi Marty and Maxine:
    You two are so special to your church family. We love you so much! I was blessed to see you at the National Day of Prayer - Marty: you were on fire for God. I am taking my 'cube' with me in my car everywhere I go and have been practicing so I don't fumble - thank you for the great tool! Be well and enjoy this glorious day! Janice.
