Sunday, March 15, 2009


I am so thankful for my family -- and especially Tara for setting this up for me. I had planned on updating sooner but decided to wait until we went to see my Dr. on Thurs. 3/12. Had a good visit with him, his name is Dr. Shakrabarti, pronounced (schockrabarti) He is from India, very congenial and up front. He told us that the pathology report came back just as he thought it would. I had a glioblastoma, (look this up on webmed, it is very interesting). and it was a stage 4 malignancy, which they feel they removed 98% of the tumor. This is the same kind of tumor my brother Paul had, the difference is that mine was in a spot they could easily operate on, his was not. This is a very aggressive tumor and can come back so radiation and chemo will be necessary to totally zap it. He told us many people go through the surgery and then decide they do not want to go through radiation and chemo and the tumor comes right back. I plan on taking the radiation and chemo. We have an appointment on the 24th with the oncologist who will then map out my treatment. They cannot start radiation until my scar heals really well, so that is what we are waiting on right now. The doctor said if they start radiation too soon before the incision heals, it can cause problems with the incision which we don't want, it is big enough now. It starts at the beginning of my hairline right in the middle of my forhead, goes back about 6" then curves down to my right ear. I cannot wear any wigs or hats until it heals well, don't want it to keep moisture in the scar. It looks pretty ominous right now but is healing well, (itches a lot)
The doctor took me off the seizure medicine, have not had any seizures. He said most people if they are going to have seizures, have them in the first week after surgery. He was very pleased with my progress and told me I could do anything I wanted, of course, still get lots of rest which I am trying to do. The first few days after coming home from the hospital, I could not seem to stay warm. Marty's sister was here and went home and brought me back an electric blanket, which I have used every day and night since.

I have been extremely blessed by my family. Our children have been so helpful. Today at our worship service we were talking about thankfulness and I tought of so many things I am thankful for. My children's persistance, the fact that I live in a country where they can do this kind of treatment even though many say our health care is lacking, I am thankful for what I do have,and I am thankful for Marty. He is doing a great job taking care of me and comes at my beck and call.

Sometimes you wonder, do I really have friends, going through this, I have realized how many wonderful friends I have. People have been bringing meals which have been fantastic, we have received lots of words of encouragement and cards and offers to do anything that needs to be done. One young man has come and worked outside for many hours, so Marty can be in the house with me. We truly feel blessed and loved.

I have decided to not answer the phone everytime it rings, but that is so hard especially when it is someone I have not heard from in a long time. I have a hard time letting the answer machine take it, but I am trying.

We will try to keep you posted as to how my progress is going. I really do feel quite great now. We are going to a service on the 29th at a church that Bob and Kay Owens work with, they have a healing service the 4th Sunday of the month. I am looking forward to this. Love to all of you, keep us in your prayers. I have heard mixed comments on radiation and chemo. It depends on the person, I guess. We will see how I respond and how I can handle it. Someone sent this scripture to me. Isaiah 46:3-4 God says he knew me before I was even conceived, isn't that awesome and that He has carried me since I was born,and will continue to do so til I am old and gray. WOW, WHAT A SAVIOR!!


  1. Hi Maxine - It has been a long time since I have seen you but I have found Mary, Matt and Mark on Facebook and I am so glad. I am so happy to hear that you are feeling well. This blog is a great way to keep everyone in the loop near and far. I just want you to know that we are all praying for you and sending positive thoughts your way. I talked to my parents and let them know and they say hello and they are also praying. You are a very special woman of God with an awesome family surrounding you. Take care and I look forward to keeping up with you:)Much love and prayers your way!
    Jennifer Mallery Parino

  2. P.T.L!!!!!! I'm so thankful that you're home and able to post on your blog! You are constantly in our prayers. We lift up your whole family to our Wonderful Heavenly Father!

    Bill & Bonnie Scharnow

  3. So good to hear from you personally. All your Fresno and RCP friends are praying for healing. I can speak from experience that prayer works miracles. Take care of yourself and don't worry about the phone - it does get old talking about yourself all the time. Just know we love and won't stop praying.

    Dennis & Carol Dunbar
