Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nothing Yet....

Mom had her MRI yesterday and they were hoping to give her the results right away but.... no luck! They told her to call on Monday morning and hopefully they would have them for her then and go over them with her on the phone. I know many of you are eagerly awaiting the results as are we! We just continue to pray that the Lord would prepare our hearts in the meantime.

I spoke with her a few times yesterday. For those of you who have not spoken with her in the past few months, it is becoming more evident in her speech about what is happening in her body. She is slow to speak at times and has a hard time following the conversation. It can be heartbreaking but I try and remember that the Lord will AND IS somehow using this. If it touches only one life, (which we all know is more like a million lives!) I know mom would say it was all worth it. I continue to urge you all to lift up the family in yours prayers nightly. As every day passes, I am beginning to see the affect it is taking on everyone, especially my own immediate family. My kids are starting to ask questions and I can't quite find the words to explain what is happening to Jama.

So, until Monday, please pray for Maxine. My prayer is and will continue to be that the Lord touch her body and take the cancer away. I know He is able!!!! Praise God for that!
Tara Hooper


  1. Tara, I know you all are overwhelmed right now. And you know that we wish we could be there... and are hoping to be able to do so soon. But in the meantime, what can we do to help from afar?

    Love you guys!
    Chris and Linda

  2. I am praying for you all! I can't even imagine what you are going through. Thanks for taking over and keeping us updated!
    Love you all, Raeane and Family

  3. Tara you are so strong and I thank you for taking the time to keep us up to date. We haven't stopped praying and will continue to pray for Aunt Max and all of the family. Know how much we love you all Alanda

  4. Tara,
    Thanks for keeping us updated. Please know that we have been praying for Aunt Max. You are all such special family. We love you all. Eli and Kelcey
