Monday, August 3, 2009

Sincere Apologies!

Let me start off by saying I am so sorry for not updating this as often as you all would like. But I will say that I am now also dealing with my own side of the family and health issues. I will quickly ask for prayers for my dad as he begins his battle with heart issues. He is looking at possible retirement, medically, at the end of the year. He will more than likely have a pacemaker put in soon which would medically retire him.

Anyway, on to Maxine.

Mom is now up here spending time with all of us as Marty is away in Africa. So far so good. She is enjoying spending time with everyone. She started her IV treatment last Tuesday which went well. She had a bit of nausea (which is to be expected of course) but it quicky went away. She is also on a steroid and that is actually what is affecting her. Due to the steroids, mom is dealing with bloating in her face and a bit of acne..... and she thought she was done with that part of her life! HA! Her next treatment is next Tuesday on the 11th. This appointment might be pushed back a week if possible so that Marty can be here and take her. He returns on the 15th.

Overall, it seems as though Maxine is doing as well as can be expected. She still has her good and bad days. She's still pretty tired and requires rest more frequently with every passing day. For now she is going for treatments every two weeks. We don't know how long this will last and really don't have a lot of information about much else. If you have any specific questions, I will try and answer those. For the most part, we are in a hurry and wait peroid. I believe with every passing treatment, we will know more. Pray, Pray and Pray......... that's all I can say. Thank you all for your support. Again, I apologize for not updating this sooner. I will try harder! Good Night!
The Hooper Clan


  1. Thanks, Tara!

    Prayers for your dad and continued pryers for Max.


  2. We will be praying for your Dad and your family during this trying time! Our prayers continue to go out for Marty as he is in Africa and for Maxine. We love you!!!!!

    The Kille's

  3. Just sending our love to you all. This is so hard, and I know the "not knowing" can just drive you crazy. The only thing I know to do is remember that God know the todays and tomorrows and will be your strength at the times you are completely spent. Remember to take care of yourself and each other when you have even one minute. Know that we pray daily for Maxine, and also for each of you. Again, love to you!
    Butch and Shari Hanlin

  4. You know we will be praying hard for Aunt Max. You are such a sweet daughter in law and thank you for keeping us up to date. We love you all Alanda

  5. Thanks for the update. It helps us to pray more specifically. God is in control and he still performs miracles. We love you all, Dennis and Carol Dunbar

  6. Matt and Mark: Up lifting you and your family in prayer.
    matt orr and family

  7. I know from a previous blog post that there was mention of creating a journal for Maxine. Will you please include this note of encouragement if and when you deem it appropriate. I am a friend of Brad and Mary from the SoM days.

    Hi Maxine,
    I know it's been several years since we have seen you last. We thought it would be fitting to let you know how you have impacted our family for Christ. While in southern California our family met Brad, Mary and all the mini-Wheats. Brad and I attended the School of Ministry together. Needless to say our family fell in love with theirs, can you blame us? One day they shared about how you and your husband started a cousins camp for all of your grandkids. A seed was planted in my heart that God watered and caused to grow. Over the years all of the cousins have spent less and less time together, largely because of geography. A couple years later we began our own cousins camp. Cousins camp has become the one time a year that all the kids are together. This past July was our 4th cousins camp and each one gets more and more special. We had 22 kids ranging from 9 months old to 18 years old (Mercy!). Many of the kids have difficult home circumstances and this is one opportunity we have to preach Christ to them. We also have plenty of crazy fun too. Cousins camp is the highlight of the year for the kids in our family. Thank you for helping inspire us to intentionally pour into the next generation. We are building Christ-centered memories year after year in the lives of the little ones, although they get bigger every year! God is using our cousins camp in amazing ways and I thought you should know. Thank you for helping light a torch of ministry in our family. We love you and we're praying for you. Love Brian and Heather Gerlach & kids (Brianna, Brandon, David, Jonathan, Joshua and Hannah).
