Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Ok, I told everyone I would let you know when the PET scan was and it is this Friday, July 10th @ 5:30. It is a 2 hour procedure! I told Mom that she should ask if she can take some dinner in there with her! We will all be very anxious to see what the results turn up. So again, please keep mom in your prayers. This is a difficult prayer for us to pray right now. We all want the cancer to be gone but, we also want anything to show up that needs to be looked at. So, mixed feelings on this one but the Lord knows our hearts.
We also have family staying at Mom and Dad's right now. Maxine's 98 year old mother flew out from Oklahoma to come and visit. Yep, I said 98 and she is still as spry as ever! It's amazing. Mom's niece and nephew, Robin and Chris are also there helping with Grandma Payne and Mom. Mikala has also extended her visit to Northern California to help out. You could imagine the help that is needed as Mom and Grandma are there. Please also keep them in your prayers.
Sorry this is so short but that's all I have to post at the moment. The next post will be with the results..... not sure when those are supposed to be in but I will let you know.
Thank you all for your comments you've left and the emotion-felt e-mails I have received on Mom's behalf. I will be making a journal for mom soon with all the comment and e-mails I have received. I'm sure she will enjoy reading every one. So, if you would like to contribute something to the journal, leave a comment or e-mail me! Mom would love to hear what you have to say.


  1. Love you guys so much and praying for you all.
    God is awesome... and He is with you, mighty to save.

    Hoping that you are able to find laughter and fun in the midst of everything.
    Big hugs and Irish sparkle **
    Ash xo

  2. Hi Tara,
    You won't know me, but I grew up with the Hooper clan--met them all at RCP the summer before Mikala was born, I think! Marty and Maxine practically raised me through high school.

    Thanks for keeping this blog up--I'm praying for good results! Give Marty and Maxine, especially, my love...

    Cindy Spiva-Evans

  3. Thank you Tara for being so considerate of all of us that love Max & Marty so much! We appreciate your updates as we look for them often to keep up with how Max is doing.

    My mother, Barbara Green, is here visiting at my house and wanted me to tell Maxine and the whole family that they/you all are in her prayers.

    Love & blessings to you all,

    Susan (Green) Farrer
    and Barbara Green
