Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little background info.....

It was brought to my attention that not everyone knows how things came about with mom's tumor. So I thought I would give everyone the "background" on how it came to be known.
As all the brothers, sisters and their spouses have been talking this week, we have all begun to put the pieces of the puzzle together. As far as we can tell, her symptoms started around mid-January. Dad and Mom took a trip down South to spend time with Matthew, Sheela, Annie, Breeana, Mark, and Mikala. On the way there Mom had mentioned to Dad that she was having some headaches off and on. They thought nothing of it then. While at Matthew and Sheela's she was still complaining of headaches and Sheela was also noticing that Mom's behavior was not right. She told Matthew this but again, it was somewhat "put on the back-burner". They came back and Mom seemed to be a little better. Dad soon after left for his recent trip to Bangladesh on Feb.11th and as she always does, came over to Jackson to be with her precious grandkids. She stayed that Sunday with Martha and Mark and it was then we all started noticing little things that weren't quite "right". Little things she would do (or not do), or say were out of character for mom. She left Wednesday to go back home and still at this point none of us said anything to anyone about what we were all starting to notice. She came back again he following weekend to stay with us all. She spent one night each with Martha, Mary and then here with Michael and I. She stayed here Monday night while she, Mark & Martha, the girls and Michael and I all watched our favorite obsession, 24! While watching the show, she was holding Tyler, (our 9-week-old) and again she just wasn't right. It was almost as if she didn't know she had him at times. Tuesday morning started the chain of events which lead Michael, Martha and I to believe she needed to go to the hospital and be checked out. She had been complaining of pain behind her eye anyway so she went with Martha at mid-night Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. It was then Martha INSISTED the doctor order a CAT-scan of Mom's head. Upon much resistance from the doctor, they agreed and obviously found the tumor. The doctor was very apologetic and mom sat and waited to be transfered to where she is now.
You know the rest of the story and hopefully this is helpful to those of you who wanted to know more of how this all came about. We all love the comments that are being posted and hope to make mom a little scrapbook of them along with e-mails and letter we have received. So please keep posting comments, mom will eventually read them herself. Thank you all again for your love and support. Until tomorrow's blog....


  1. You all are such a wonderful family God has blessed you all with each other. Stay strong for each other and know we love you all so much. We will continue to pray daily for Aunt Max and her healing. Love you all ALanda

  2. Hooper Family, we are rejoicing with you and Maxine's progress since surgery. We, and all of Crosswalk Church, are holding you up in prayer. Maxine is so very dear to our hearts. (Our kids all send their love and prayers.)
    We love the blog and have given the site out to many who are anticipating God's healing with you.
    Much love, John and Leanna Christie

  3. Isaiah 46:3-4
    I have upheld you since you were conceived, and have carried you since your birth. Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

    We know with confidence the One who holds Maxine and we know that He will sustain her and hold her throughout all of this. Please know that we love you all and our prayers are continuously for Maxine and each one of you!

    We love you Maxine!!!!
    Rachel and Brian Lopez

  4. Dear Maxine and all Hoopers: Our prayers and those of lots of others in Fresno are with you. Our God will supply all our needs and I know this from experience. Keep the faith and know that many people love you.
    Dennis and Carol Dunbar
